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Learning Culture


Vision for Learning

Vision for Learning

At BCIS, we approach learning as an activity that each individual should pursue throughout life, in order to develop social relationship, emotion and intellect. We believe that every student has unlimited potential, and our role as educators must be to awaken different forms of intelligence and spark creativity, as well as untapped potential. Rich and authentic learning experiences are used to cultivate innate talents, provide opportunities to pursue interests and passions, both inside and outside of the classroom, and strive for excellence. Everything is based on the spirit: remembering the ‘Roots’ and spreading the ‘Wings’.


High-Quality Teaching
& Learning Environment

Bilingual Canadian International School, a member of Canadian International School System believes the following beliefs about teaching and learning environments. Teacher formed and support these statements as part of their commitment to working with your children.

1. Positive learning environment (risk-taking, safe to explore) 

2. Spiraled targeted learning, consistently revisiting and building on core concepts 

3. Challenging but within the student’s Zone of Proximal Development 

4. Modeling and visualization to demonstrate skills and create understanding 

5. High standards for performance that are high and known by students

6. Real-life application and/or real-life approach 

7. An active process with opportunities for engagement, reflection, and ownership

8. Encouraging intrinsic motivation through enjoyment, engagement, autonomy, and success (involve differentiation)

9. Involves assessment for, as, and of learning


Learner Skills

At BCIS, we concentrate on our students’ development. BCIS students are guided by quality education in an international environment while preserving and celebrating their national identity. The standard program from the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training is modified in order to fit our criteria for students to:

  • Develop as independent thinkers.
  • Develop the ability for self-study and self-exploration.
  • Be creative and take initiative.
  • Understand and familiarize themselves with the global situation.
  • Develop as leaders and global citizens.
  • Our unique Character Education in Action program from Ontario with 10 fundamental character traits is a crucial part of life at BCIS for students from Grade 1 to Grade 12.
  • Support programs for students taking English Proficiency Tests are available.
  • The national identity is a core, central value that helps students learn about their traditional culture.


Technology In Action

Engaging in technology is important at BCIS. Students work with technology from grade 1 to grade 12 through activities in Makerspace – a dedicated, specially designed and equipped space. Through Makerspace activities, students develop their knowledge and skills about STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Robotics is an integral part of the program. Two differing spaces meet the needs and interests of students at both the primary and secondary levels. 

Technology In Action

Engaging in technology is important at BCIS. Students work with technology from grade 1 to grade 12 through activities in Makerspace – a dedicated, specially designed and equipped space. Through Makerspace activities, students develop their knowledge and skills about STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Robotics is an integral part of the program. Two differing spaces meet the needs and interests of students at both the primary and secondary levels.